Addison is from Mustang, OK and is currently a sophomore at the University of Oklahoma! She is studying sports broadcasting with a minor in entrepreneurship. Outside of schoolwork and LINK x LOU®, Addison loves spending time with her best friends and planning fun dinner dates or going to Saturday morning spin class. She believes OKC is the best city because it can feel like whatever you want it to! From downtown vibes to a quiet night in the country, anything is possible.

Why LINK x LOU®? Addison loves LINK x LOU® because of the inspiring team around to always lift her up! She says she’s never had this many people cheering her on to accomplish a dream. Plus, she never has to worry about leaving the house without cute jewelry on! Her other favorite part is being able to share the LINK x LOU® experience with those around her. When Addison sees how good it makes someone feel, it makes her feel even better!

Fun fact: Addison lives in a sorority house with 90 other girls!