Originally from Houston, this Texas girl has lived in Austin for most of her life. Madelyn attended the University of Alabama for her undergrad - Roll Tide! After graduating, she returned to Austin to get her master’s in Sports Management at the University of Texas. In addition to LINK x LOU®, Madelyn works as an assistant studio manager at a pilates studio. You can find her at the Texas football game on Saturdays in the fall, but she also loves trying new places around town with friends, hanging with her puppy, and traveling. Her favorite thing about living in Austin is how much there is to do! No matter what you may be into, Austin has something to offer everyone...and tacos, duh.

Why LINK x LOU®? Madelyn loves the community LINK x LOU® has created and she is so excited to be a part of it! She is grateful that the brand provides the tools and training necessary to be successful, but also the freedom to be your own boss.

Fun fact: Madelyn loves to write hand letters in her free time! She’s done signs for weddings and a few local businesses, but it’s mostly just for fun :) This girl is good with her hands!